VW Syms CDA68405

Vaughan Williams: Symphonies 7 & 9 (Hyperion)

Vividly recorded and handsomely played accounts of two great, but challenging, symphonies [RMo]

Prospice Songs Meridian DUOCD89026

Prospice (Meridian Records)

A recording which has somehow failed to attract much notice but proves to be a complete revelation [LF]

Walton choral 8555793

Walton: Choral works (Naxos)

Some very fine music in absolutely top class performances which are accorded recorded sound of comparable excellence [JQ]

Szymamowski Hagith PMoC SMP201404

Szymanowski: Hagith (Polish Ministry of Culture)

A reissue of a unique and valuable recording undermined by catastrophic failures of presentation [PCG]

shostakovich berliner

Shostakovich: Symphonies 8-10 (Berliner Philharmoniker Recordings)

Bravo, bravo, and thrice bravo; Kirill Petrenko’s Shostakovich sweeps the board [DM]

Cherubini Les Abencérages Bru Zane BZ1050

Cherubini: Les Abencérages (Bru Zane)

This first studio recording of Cherubini’s Les Abencérages is especially valuable [MC]

Edwin Fischer Concert in Strasbourg 1953 Maestro Editions ME221

Edwin Fischer (piano): Concert in Strasbourg, 1953 (Maestro Editions)

Edwin Fischer’s elevated live Mozart performances in imperfect sound [JW]

German Symphony 2 Penny Naxos 8555228

German: Symphony 2 (Naxos)

A worthy re-issue of one of the finest pre-Elgarian British symphonies [GH]

David Rizzio Makaris Olde Focus FCR921

The Galant David Rizzio (Olde Focus Recordings)

An interesting contribution to our knowledge of the music scene in 18th-century England and the history of Scottish traditional music [JV]

Chinoiserie Lin BISCD1110

Chinoiserie (BIS)

A veritable treasure trove of delights [CC]

Mahler sym7 DG4716232

Mahler: Symphony 7 (Deutsche Grammophon)

A Mahler 7 to be ranked with the finest but carrying an extra magic only “live” performance can bring [MB]

gershwin propper forgotten

Gerhswin: Rhapsody in Blue (Forgotten Records)

An enjoyable exploration of Gershwin’s many facets with some rarities [RCh]

Demus Bach eloquence westminster

Jörg Demus (piano): The Bach Recordings on Westminster (Eloquence)

The cultured art of Jörg Demus in Bach [JW]

harris symphony

M Harris: Symphony

In the mood to be soothed rather than provoked or stirred …. [RB]

lauri-volpi parallel voices

Parallel Voices (Edizioni Bongiovanni)

A wide-ranging, highly individual, often wayward collection of observations from one of opera’s great characters [RMo]

Enescu Unknown Vol-2 Toccata TOCC0647

The Unknown Enescu Vol. 2 (Toccata Classics)

More rare Enescu on a rewarding disc [SB]

marcello cantatas elegia

A & B Marcello: Cantatas (Elegia Classics)

I am very impressed by Lucia Cortese’s performances of these cantatas [JV]

bartok bronfman sony

Bartók: Piano Concertos (Sony)

(Déjà Review) Marvellously subtle and polished … delightfully witty [TH]

beethoven klemperer warner eroica

Beethoven: Symphony 3 (Warner Classics)

(Déjà Review) One of the essential Beethoven recordings [CH]

Shostakovich: Symphonies 12 & 15 (Chandos)

Well played and well engineered but lacking character [NB]

Amadeus Quartet (Alto)

Deeply felt and beautifully played, flawless intonation and ensemble, but inferior balance and sound [RMo]

Visions Illuminées (Signum Classics)

Mary Bevan spreads her golden tones over the whole programme [GF]

Bristow & Fry: Symphonies (Bridge)

Early American romanticism – golden-age verve rather than dutiful museum revival [RB]

Wennäkoski: Sigla, Flounce, Sedecim (Ondine)

Brilliantly imagined, often beautiful works in splendid, committed performances [HC]