September 2024

bruckner symphony reference

Bruckner: Symphony No 7 (Reference Recordings)

A very distinguished account of Bruckner’s Seventh symphony [JQ]

Donizetti: Don Pasquale (Warner Classics)

A good alternative choice recording featuring some very winning performances among the cast [MP]

Glass: Etudes for piano (Orange Mountain Music)

A valuable selection of Glass’s fascinating Etudes [SB]

Liszt: Unrivalled Vol 2 (Odradek)

A worthy continuation [RWe]

Huw Montague Rendall (baritone): Contemplation (Erato)

A debut recital that every lover of great singing should treasure [GF]

Frank Peter Zimmermann (violin): Violin Concertos (Hänssler Classic)

A 4-CD box of reissued concerto performances [JW]

CPE Bach: Matthäus-Passion (Capriccio)

(Déjà Review) Full credit to all involved who deserve rich applause for their dedication [GH]

Preludes and Choruses from Zarzuelas (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) There’s little to add but “Please sir, I want some more!” [CW]

messe imaginaire nomad

Un messe imaginaire (NoMadMusic)

Chœur Spirito give compelling performances of these works [MC]

romance reverie albion

Romance and Reverie: Holst and His Contemporaries (Albion Records)

An enticing selection of rarities and imaginative arrangements [JF]

Szekely bartok 850482

Zoltán Székely (violin) (Biddulph)

Zoltán Szekely triumphs in dual roles, as concerto soloist and quartet leader [JW]

Shostakovich syms 4854637

Shostakovich: Symphonies Nos 4, 5 & 6 (Decca)

Terrific performances of three very contrasting Shostakovich symphonies [JQ]

MatthewsD vol6 TOCC0732

David Matthews: Complete String Quartets Vol 6 (Toccata Classics)

The latest volume in a significant string quartet cycle by a master of the form [GH]

Bliss brass CHSA5344

Bliss: Works for Brass Band (Chandos)

A fine overview of Bliss’ endlessly impressive and engaging music [NB]

Hindemith welt WER66522

Hindemith: Die Harmonie der Welt (Wergo)

An excellent performance and recording of this magnificent, all but unknown opera [PSh]

Grieg dances BISSACD1291

Grieg: Orchestral works (BIS)

The engineers achieve the finest orchestral recording I have ever heard [DBi]

Broughton Oboe Concerto String Theory Naxos 8.559958

Broughton: And on the Sixth Day & String Theory (Naxos)

Broughton is a skilful composer of accessible contemporary concert music and this disc will reward repeated listening [TMS]

Mozart Idomeneo Gardiner Archiv 4316742

Mozart: Idomeneo (Archiv Produktion)

Idomeneo tastefully presented but takes the risk of being too often over-refined [MP]

Mahler Symphs 1-10 Minnesota Vanska BIS-2696

Mahler: Symphonies Nos 1-10 (BIS)

A distinctive addition to the catalogue, with potential for growing appreciation [RWe]

Jongen Absil Piano Concertos Forgotten Records FR2197

Jongen and Absil: Piano Concertos (Forgotten Records)

Intriguing Belgian works from 1955 Decca LPs in good, clear transfers [JW]

Benjamin Cpt Piano Works Bertsch Piano Classics PCL10287

Benjamin: Complete Piano Works (Piano Classics)

Commanding performances of all of George Benjamin’s piano works so far [SB]

Verdi Noble Renegades Castronovo Delos DE3505

Verdi: Noble Renegades – Scenes & Arias (Delos)

A stimulating and well-sung programme with lots of atmosphere from the stage [GF]

Deja Review Karlowicz Eternal Songs Chandos CHAN9986

Karłowicz: Three Symphonic Poems (Chandos)

(Déjà Review) Passionate, intense, vivid, powerful and highly charged. This is the product of a fertile musical imagination [JQ]

Deja Review Diamond String Quartets v1 Albany TROY504

Diamond: String Quartets Nos 3 & 8 and Concerto for String Quartet (Albany)

(Déjà Review) The two earlier works are approachable examples of the middle ground between neo-classicism and romantic-impressionism [RB]