September 2024

Bizet Carmen Le Conte Pristine PACO217

Bizet: Carmen (Pristine Audio)

An authentically French, operetta-style Carmen of the kind you will not hear today – but over-refined and lacking punch [RMo]

Da Crema Lute Music Brilliant 96419

Da Crema: Lute Music (Brilliant Classics)

This fine disc shows just how good Da Crema’s music is [GPu]

Gesualdo Silenzio Mio Collegium Vocale Ghent Herreweghe Phi LPH043

Gesualdo: Silenzio Mio – Madrigals (PHI)

Musically sumptuous and alarmingly intimate [ST]

Sommernachtskonzert 2024 VPO Nelsons Davidsen Sony 19802812502

Sommernachtskonzert Schönbrunn 2024 (Sony Classical)

An excellent souvenir [RWe]

RVW Grinke Legacy Albion ALBCD061

Vaughan Williams: The Grinke Legacy (Albion Records)

This release will appeal to both fans of Vaughan Williams’ early recordings and followers of the artistry of Frederick Grinke [SG]

Adams Girls of the Golden West LA Phil Nonesuch 7559 79004-9

Adams: Girls of the Golden West (Nonesuch)

An uneven opera but it’s presented in a performance that crackles with electricity [JQ]

Deja Review David Oistrakh Monsaingeon DVD NVC Arts 3984-23030-2

David Oistrakh: Artist of the People? (NVC Arts)

(Déjà Review) A moving film about a very great Soviet musician [JL]

Deja Review Holmboe Symphs 8 & 9 AarhusSO Hughes BIS CD618

Holmboe: Symphonies Nos 8 & 9 (BIS)

(Déjà Review) Music at once convincing and satisfying [TB]

sander liturgy orthodox

Sander: Liturgy of St John Chrysostom (Orthodox Recordings)

A second excellent recording of Kurt Sander’s eloquent and beautiful score [JQ]

rostal concert tours meloclassic

Max Rostal (violin) Concert Tours 1956-1965 (Meloclassic)

A well-compiled set of live performances which is enthusiastically welcomed [SG]

yoncheva courtesan sy11

Sonya Yoncheva (soprano) The Courtesan (SY11 Productions)

A captivating album of arias on a courtesan theme [MC]

highways byways divine art

Highways and Byways, Rarities for Recorder (Divine Art)

A wonderful treasure chest of rare, interesting music [JF]

gipps oboe chandos

Gipps: Piper of Dreams (Chandos)

A thrilling recital [SA]

mendelssohn concerto mv cremona

Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto & Symphony 4 (MV Cremona)

Robust and enjoyable Mendelssohn performances [JW]

reicha quintets crystal

Reicha: Wind Quintets Vol. 6 (Crystal Records)

(Déjà Review) Fresh and appealing works [JQ]

mozart piano four hands musical heritage

Mozart: Complete Piano Works for Four Hands (Musical Heritage Society)

(Déjà Review) Seminal listening in every respect [ED]

Poulenc: Fiançailles pour rire, La voix humaine (VOCES8 Records)

A worthy enterprise [WK]

Louis Glass: Piano Works Volume 2 (Danacord)

Attractive piano miniatures by a late-Romantic Dane [RCh]

Szymanowski: Concert Overture, Songs of a Fairy Princess, Symphony No 3 (CD Accord)

Szymanowski’s fans should hear this [SB]

Gerhard: La Dueña (Chandos)

An opera with patches of real brilliance in a more than acceptable recording [MP]

Roberto Alagna (tenor): Roberto Alagna 60 (Aparté)

A vital and compelling celebration of Roberto Alagna’s 60th birthday [GF]

Our Gilded Veins (Linn)

Nicely varied, with much to enjoy [HC]

Frescobaldi: Messa Della Madonna (Deutsche Harmonia Mundi)

(Déjà Review) Undeniably enjoyable, but probably more for the Frescobaldi devotee [PW]

Copland: Music for solo piano (Naxos)

(Déjà Review) The playing complements the vivacity, complexity and depth of this fine music [JF]