Andrea Belmonte (guitar)
Latin Within
rec. 2022, Abbey Rocchi Studios, Rome, Italy
KHA Records 028 [52]
This CD of guitar music is hard not to like. The programme comprises twenty items which represent some of the absolute favourites of the instrument’s ‘lighter’ repertory. As the title suggests, this encompasses those composers from countries the language of which is Latin-derived. The music covers the period from the early 19th to the early 21st century.
Regrettably, there are no liner notes accompanying this CD, and a search reveals little about the Italian guitarist Andrea Belmonte. Born in Naples in 1996, his key areas of musical interest include baroque, flamenco and jazz. He studied flamenco language and technique in depth, and obtained his first degree in classical guitar via the thesis ‘Il canto jondo in cultural music: from Domenico Scarlatti to Leo Brouwer’. While his name is not pre-eminent among the current crop of leading young guitarists, this in no way precludes him from recognition based on the only true measure of worth: overall merit. Many fine musicians of the past have been overlooked simply because they lacked sufficient marketing support or a verbose ‘spin-doctor’. Others were overshadowed by inferior performers who possessed both.
Initial impressions of his playing on some tracks are of timidity; the sort of sound encountered when the guitarist plays sans fingernails. This often results in a rather monotone sound, where tonal variations between the bridge and sound hole are challenging to pursue – e.g. ponticello, close to the bridge. That said, the execution of La Comparsita by Gerard Matos Rodriguez (tr 11) sees any impressions of timidity evaporate, and the tone production rather chameleon, challenging the impression of playing sans nails. The overall rendition of this track is among the better of those appearing on recorded guitar music.
One unfortunate characteristic of the classical guitar is the propensity for string whistle (squeak), or the sound of left-hand fingers moving up and down the bass strings, which are constructed of bronze/silver or even gold- plated copper wire, wound on nylon filament. The general elimination, or at least minimization, is part of guitar technique. It may also be reduced by electronic recording techniques, but of course will be still apparent in live performance, if not mastered. This particular CD is one of the more offending recordings that include string whistle; it appears on all tracks, some more than others. It is particularly audible in the performance of La Catedral by Agustin Barrios (tr 14) to the extent that one could be excused for assuming the right hand is also involved.
There are aspects about Andrea Belmonte’s tone production that are not so desirable, however musically he impresses. One feels that his programme selection is based on much musical empathy for the music offered. While some technical aspects of the playing do not compare with the very best currently on offer, a refined sense of musicianship shines through in all the music.
The guitar played on this occasion is by Italian luthier Alessandro Marseglia, 2022. Marseglia guitars are described as providing a rare balance between projection and sound quality. He is an innovative maker whose instruments incorporate a raised finger board and, depending on the year of construction, multiple standard bracing, and double tops. Some models also incorporate a sound hole in the upper bout.
This is an enjoyable recording, and despite the deficiencies identified, will provide hours of musical enjoyment for the guitar aficionado. It is one worthy of revisits.
Zane Turner
Availability: KHA Records
Manuel Aroztegui (1888-1938)
El Apache Argentino
Dilermando Reis (1916-1971)
Xodó da Baiana
Abel Fleury (1903-2012)
Te Vas Milonga
Leo Brouwer (b.1930)
Preludios Epigramaticos No 4
João Pernambuco (1883-1947)
Sons de Carrilhões
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Tango en Skai
Jorge Cardoso (b 1949)
Antonio Lauro (1917-1988)
Francisco Tárrega (1852-1909)
Gerard Matos Rodriguez (1897-1948)
La Comparsita
Sebastian Yradier (1809-1865)
La Paloma
Mario Gangi (1923-2010)
Studio No 11 in G minor
Agustin Barrios (1885-1944)
La Catedral: III Allegro solemne
Miguel Llobet (1878-1938)
El Testament d’Amelia
Angel Gregoria Villoldo (1861-1919)
EL Choclo
Walter Enrique Heinz (1945-1959)
Concordancias: V.Andando
Maximo Diego Pujol (b. 1857)
Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959)
Choros No 1
Efrain Silva (b.1952)
Estudio con Pajarillo