February 2024
Bruckner: Symphony No 7 (BR Klassik)
Haitink displays remarkable consistency in this grand and spacious account [RMo]
Beethoven: String Quartets Opp 74 & 130 (BIS)
A very fine recording of the Harp Quartet, although the outer movements of the Op130 quartet are lacking in power and thus take the disc down a notch [MZ]
Schumann: Symphonies Nos 1 and 3 (PHI)
Once accustomed to Herreweghe’s robust bass and firm sforzandos, I enjoyed his overall rounded approach and the superb brass playing [MG]
Mozart and the Organ (Lawo Classics)
Most of the epistle sonatas and the three late organ works on one convenient disc [SB]
Gill: Love Illuminates (Regent)
Restraint is the key-word here. Joanna Gill’s mottos: love, peace, reconciliation are whispered, not shouted. Smile governs over tears. Light over darkness [GF]
Écoles de Paris – Paris pour École (EDA)
The Foreign Legion conscripted to the School of Paris with vitalising results [JW]
Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni (Château de Versailles)
Too strident for my liking [DJB]
L Bernstein: Jeremiah and Age of Anxiety (Chandos)
(Déjà Review) This disc in excellent sound is a worthy alternative to the composer’s own [JW]
New Millenium (Signum Classics)
Anyone who cares about the role of music in the liturgy today should hear this disc [JQ]
Hindemith: Ludus Tonalis (DUX)
An admirable new account of Hindemith’s piano masterpiece [SB]
Elgar: Orchestral Works (LSO Live)
Best avoided – there are many far superior options [RMo]
Maliszewski: String Quartets (PSCM Records)
Conventional and a little quirky; a minor composer slowly emerges [JW]
Fraser-Simson: Songs of AA Milne (Prima Facie)
No one will go away unhappy after hearing this music [WK]
Claudio Arrau (piano) The Early Years (Marston)
(Déjà Review) No Arrau admirer would want to be without it [JW]